So the VX was not a good fit for my son, especially after he crunched the front wheel.  What's a dad to do, but make sure he has a bike that fits him, right?  It was just his bad luck that his height came from his mom's side of the family...
His mother was pretty adamant that if he were to start riding, he would need something else.  I obliged.  
When my son took the MSF basic last weekend he came home grinning ear to ear after riding a 250 Rebel.  His main comment was "that bike fits me so much better than the VX."  So I was began hunting for something with a very low seat height.
I personally wanted a CBR250R, and was inches away from buying one when I was saved by the wheeeeee-strom.  He didn't really like all the plastic, wanted something more classic looking.  For the most part that left the Yamaha Star V-Star 250 and the Suzuki TU250x.  My local dealer had both for the same price so that wasn't an issue.  Low seat height - check.  Mostly favorable reviews - check.  Cheap insurance - check.
It was going to come down to looks.  I threw the boy in the car, had us some breakfast and coffee, and headed to the dealership.  All they had was the Star on the floor.  Crap.  But I must admit, its a good looking little cruiser.  I don't dislike cruisers at all, but most of them anymore are giant barges that look really heavy.  Not my cup of tea.
I asked about a TU.  "We sold it Saturday but we have one being built in back, we can you you riding this after noon."  
One look and I was sold.  I liked all the pics I had seen on the websites, but wow, in person this thing is awesome.  The fit fit and finish is way better than I expected on their budget-est bike.  The one that had sold was also in the back room so I, uh, we, were able to sit on one before pulling the trigger.  It fits like a glove.  I'm sure on a long trip I'd be wanting more legroom.  But for just buzzing around town its just fine.
Performance report:  It made me grin like I was hopped up on happy gas.  It accelerates at a leisurely pace, but  I did reach an indicated 70 on the short strip of highway I had to go on before jumping back on a city street.  It will do highway speeds, but it isn't the best tool for the job.  For want he wants/needs (zipping back and forth to work and school) it is perfect.  

This might be the best part of the deal: I told him after a few thousand miles under his belt he can swap for the VX if he is ready for a heavier, thirstier, less reliable machine.  I can't decide if I want him to swap or not...

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